Pluralsight - WinJS Fundamentals

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Pluralsight - WinJS Fundamentals
WMV | VC-1 262kbps | English | 1024x768 | 15fps | 2h 52mins | WMA2 stereo 128kbps | 453 MB
Genre: Video Training

WinJS - a biblioteca do Windows para JavaScript - é uma estrutura criada para ajudar a construir o Windows 8 aplicações usando javascript. Este curso dará uma visão geral sobre as características estruturais e abrange as peças fundamentais que são os blocos de construção da estrutura. Os recursos abordados neste curso são classes, namespaces, mixins, eventos, encadernações, promessas e do quadro de navegação.

├───01. Introduction and WinJS Overview
│ 01. What is WinJS .wmv
│ 02. Why Should I Invest in WinJS .wmv
│ 03. WinJS vs other javascript Frameworks.wmv
│ 04. Summary.wmv

├───02. Classes and Namespaces
│ 01. Introduction.wmv
│ 02. Classes in javascript.wmv
│ 03. Classes in WinJS.wmv
│ 04. Demo Classes in WinJS.wmv
│ 05. Deriving Classes in WinJS.wmv
│ 06. Demo Deriving Classes in WinJS.wmv
│ 07. Namespaces in WinJS.wmv
│ 08. Demo Namespaces in WinJS.wmv
│ 09. Summary.wmv

├───03. Mixins and Events
│ 01. Introduction.wmv
│ 02. Mixins.wmv
│ 03. Demo Mixins.wmv
│ 04. Built in WinJS Mixins.wmv
│ 05. Events in WinJS.wmv
│ 06. Demo Events in WinJS.wmv
│ 07. Summary.wmv

├───04. Data Binding
│ 01. Introduction.wmv
│ 02. Data Binding Overview.wmv
│ 03. Demo One Time Data Binding.wmv
│ 04. One Way Data Binding.wmv
│ 05. Demo One Way Data Binding.wmv
│ 06. Converters.wmv
│ 07. Demo Converters.wmv
│ 08. Two Way Data Binding.wmv
│ 09. Demo Two Way Data Binding.wmv
│ 10. Summary.wmv

├───05. Promises
│ 01. Introduction.wmv
│ 02. Promises Overview.wmv
│ 03. Demo Promises Overview.wmv
│ 04. Working with Promises.wmv
│ 05. Demo Working with Promises.wmv
│ 06. WinRT Promises.wmv
│ 07. Demo WinRT Promises.wmv
│ 08. Summary.wmv

└───06. Pages and Navigation
01. Introduction.wmv
02. WinJS SPA.wmv
03. Creating and Navigating Pages.wmv
04. Demo Creating and Navigating Pages.wmv
05. Page State and the Navigation Stack.wmv
06. Demo Page State and the Navigation Stack.wmv
07. Summary.wmv
