Moodle - Fatal error

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Moodle code is trying to define or use a class named object. In PHP 7.2 and later, object is a reserved word and cannot be used as a class name.

To fix this issue, you need to rename the class from object to something else. Here is a general outline of what you need to do:

    Locate the Definition: Find where the class object is defined in your Moodle code. This will typically be in a file with a .php extension.

    Rename the Class: Change the class name from object to a different name, such as myObject or something more specific to its purpose.

// Before
class object {
    // Class properties and methods

// After
class myObject {
    // Class properties and methods

Update All References: Find and update all references to the object class throughout your Moodle codebase. This includes instances where the class is instantiated and where its methods or properties are accessed.

// Before
$obj = new object();

// After
$obj = new myObject();

    Test Your Changes: After making these changes, thoroughly test your Moodle instance to ensure that everything works as expected and that no other parts of the code are broken.

If you are not comfortable making these changes yourself, consider seeking assistance from someone who has experience with PHP and Moodle development.


Fatal error: Cannot use 'object' as class name as it is reserved in C:\xampp74\htdocs\moodle\lib\setuplib.php on line 66